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Lavender oil

שמן לבנדר.png

Lavender oil is natural and fresh, for direct application on the body, easy and convenient to use

The unique properties of lavender oil - the king of plants

Lavender flowers instantly soothe every part of our body

עונג עצמי / משותף

שמן הלבנדר משמש כחומר סיכה מדהים בזמן קיום יחסים אינטימיים

עיצוב ללא שם (10).png

מבצע מיוחד על שלושה בקבוקים

עיצוב ללא שם (1)_edited.png


Thanks to the lovely Shiri and after years of migraines, I recommend the amazing lavender oil that skipped me a lot of severe headaches, a few drops on the temple when the pain starts and without noticing disappears.

So thank you thank you



What an amazing oil!

Passed on my daughter viral warts that started to develop overnight! In addition, he helped me and several companies against headaches.

Each time there was a surprised reaction that just after a quarter of an hour the pain goes away.

Really recommended oil !!



I have been walking around for months with acute headaches that do not stop.

I listened to a friend's recommendation and tried this oil and to my surprise the headaches disappeared…

A real rescue !!!



Would highly recommend Lavender Oil from Magic Oil !!!

Helps with headaches, helps get rid of pimples and even acne!


Natural and comfortable to use ..

Well done !

Customers tell

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